paris, shay, eiffel shay, faerie, gazebo, Shay's Spot
Idle Speculations

Walkin' in a winter wonderland

Today was cold. This evening is colder! Damn! I always forget how winter loves to give us that late reminder of its existence after spring starts peeking through a little early. And while it always happens, I always kid myself that the weather wont get bad again before the spring. What a fool am I?

Have I mentioned I've got a funky Buffy icon thing on my phone now? I think it is most excellent! Funky stuff - and I thought the 5110 was pretty useless with such things. I guess everyone keeps a trick or two up their sleeves...

I have much work to do. I know I've mentioned this before, but it is so much so the story of my life right now that I thought I should mention it again. And again.

I doesn't be feeling all that well. But I CANNOT get sick now. Or if I'm going to get sick it must absolutely be RIGHT NOW before I start the NBC job. I've had a good run this year with regard to illness and stuff. Last thing I need now is to have it ruined by a late winter cold.

Against my better judgement I helped out revue yesterday/last night. It is so easy to end up doing odds and ends for a show. I care too much about the whole thing to not give a hand when things need doing. So I finished an animation that was not synched to the audio properly, then cooked a BBQ for the cast party afterwards. Had a good time at the party which was nice. Some cool people doing the show. But I am not there this evening so I'm a good boy for just doing that one bit and walking away again. I will be there tomorrow though. I haven't seen the show yet! The snippets I saw last night were quite good actually.

Tomorrow we watch 'Spartacus' in class. Discussing the epic film in cinema history. Looking at how they were really little more than an excuse to show off the glory of film making, more than telling an accurate story of history.

Nothing more to be said right now. Except that I am Spartacus. No, I am Spartacus!

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