Unexpected surprises of all shapes and sizes

When I finished class on Friday afternoon I certainly didn't expect the chain of events that was my weekend. It started with a chat with my parents that turned my plans for this summer upside down.

"We were wondering what you were doing for New Year, Shay"
"I'm organising a big New Year's Party at my place... why?"
"And in the New Year? What are you doing then?"
"Not sure yet..."
"We were wondering if you want to come to Ireland over the New Year?"

What I now find strange is looking back on what I did. At first I actually was not sure if I should go, feeling I had made a fairly large social commitment by saying I would host a 2000 NYE party for my friends. Thanks to Fidelma for quickly rectifying that mental situation.

So yes, I am off to Ireland and a jaunt around Europe starting Christmas Day and concluding mid February. I will likely be hanging out with Sal Web for a while during that time as we run around the continent in search of adventure, art and museums.

The other spontaneous thing on Saturday was the party at Graupner's. Lots of points go to Amanda for that... it was one of the nicest social occasions I have been to in quite some time. A bunch of like minded people partaking in beverages and conversation (and some partaking in stranger, more amusing salivatory pursuits).

The absence of incredibly chirpy, happy and energetic younger uni people was refreshing. I hate to sound like a bastard, but I think it is just that I am becoming an older bastard. How quickly we run out of energy and find it distressing to watch it around us. I'm sure it is part jealousy on my part...

This week should be interesting, with a very full dance card for Tuesday. An awful lot to get done, and sleep will, as usual, be the one to suffer.

Only two weeks to go until I should be finished uni work for the year... 14 days, 336 hours, yada yada yada...

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