Strawberry Deluxe

Boy is that song in my head at the moment. And boy do I love it. Skulker. Listen to them. They really rock. Had the pleasure of filming their recent Roundhouse gig. They sure are something...

Lots of things have happened since last I wrote. Lots of little things I wanted to say...

- Merrick & Rosso were at uni. Great fun, great feeling of achievement. Great company.
- Joined peak hour commuters to Parra last Friday. Felt strangely at home. Weird. Noticed that I have lost that daily hour of thought, reflection, contemplation, reading time, that is the train trip from the City to the West. Like I said. Weird.
- Had the suburban experience of running a garage sale with Mum. Kinda fun. Sold my drum kit which was unexpected. Figured I'd have to target sell rather than luck out with someone passing who happened to be in the market. Cool.
- Buffy action has been good lately. Angel still has some work to do.
- Saw some amazing short queer films last week by Sadie Benning. All done on a Fisher Price kids b/w camera for around $20 each short. Further amazement.
- Matt turned 25. Onya ya bastard!
- Got ridiculously drunk at the Union dinner on Saturday night. Only found out a short while ago I had about five Bailey's and three ports in about fifteen minutes at one point. That was after a bottle of wine. What the hell was I thinking!?!
- Did some CD shopping this afternoon. Realised later that I bought four CDs of Aussie bands with regular female lead singers. Clouds. Spiderbait. Kylie. Skulker. Then two Irish peoples. Luka Bloom. U2. A nice and quite cheap bunch of pick ups from Hum.
- Have much work to do on the Howard Project. In good news, it may be optimisable for the web later. That would be very cool indeed.
- Ice Hockey rocks. It really is amazing. And go the Devils! This week sees Stanley Cup action ensue. Pretty exciting.
- If you even get to shop with a store called 'Alternate Worlds' - don't! They are super, hardcore rip off merchants. Never in my life experienced people who are so blatantly ripping off customers. You'll have questions about what I can do in the mail shortly, Kini...
- Got a field trip to Bent Street at Fox Studios on Thursday afternoon, to be preceded by a viewing of M:I-2 with some friends. The field trip will be followed by Warren Miller, I believe? Makes for a big day of the filmic variety. Coolness.
- Life in general? A little more promising than recent postings may have indicated. Amazing how one factor can shift the entire perception of the rest of what is going on. Hopefully things stay in the current frame of progression. That'd be nice. Really nice.

Better get some sleep. Heaps of work tomorrow - study and running training sessions. Lots to do.

Cowabunga dudes.

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